
Open and Elective Courses

Open and Elective Courses

The programmes offered by the college are in accordance with the norms of the University of Kerala. The college offers elective courses for Post Graduate Programmes and Open Courses for Under Graduate Programmes. The UG students can choose open courses offered by any departments of the college except their own department.


Name of Open Course Course Code Department
Operations & Research MM 16661.1 Mathematics
Energy Physics PY 1555.5 Physics
Fundamentals of Chemistry and its Applications CH 1551.2 Chemistry
Horticulture BO 1551.3 Botany
Public Health & Hygiene ZO 1551.1 Zoology
Communicative Application in English EN 1551.1 English
History of Human Rights Movement HY 1551.3 History
Human Resource Management EC 1551 Economics
Health & Fitness Education PE 1551 Physical Education
Principles of Management CO 1551 Commerce


Name of Elective Course Code Programme
European Drama EL 233.1 MA English
Women’s Writing EL 233.6 MA English
American Literature EL 243.2 MA English
Canadian & Australian Literatures EL 243.3 MA English
Communication Electronics PH 233 MSc Physics
Advanced Electronics PH243 MSc Physics
Agricultural Economics EC 234 MA Economics
Industrial Economics EC 244 MA Economics
Applied Analytical Chemistry CL 242 M. Sc. Chemistry
Pollution Biology and Environmental Physiology ZO 241 MSc Zoology
Environmental Management ZO 242 MS Zoology
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